Thursday, March 19, 2009

Assembly 2nd failure

Friday morning, we arrived to assemble the dome. We started with the top pentagon, and started attaching the half hexagons to each side of the pentagon. This was going very well yet requiring all students to hold a vertex point of the dome.

Next, we went to attach the second tier of pentagons.......and Mrs Combs stopped us. Oh Oh! The assembly of most of the 1/2 hexagons was incorrect. The hexagons needed to be assembled so all of the C lengths were in the interior of the hexagon....and the other edges were B length. The only way that you can attach the hexagons and pentagons is if they have matching edges of B length. The hexagons had edges of C length. Dang it!

So, the next hour was spend disassembling the entire dome again......we learned very quickly on how to use the rivet remover. So, by lunch time, we were back to starting from square one.

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